Rights sold in French, Dutch, Spanish, Catalan and Brazilian

Chronicles from the Kingdom of Fantasy
Rights sold in French, Dutch, Spanish, Catalan and Brazilian
Cronache dal Regno della Fantasia
Knights from Kingdom of Fantasy
Saturnine has succeeded in defeating the wicked power of the Queen of the Witches and has brought the ancient order of the Knights of the Rose back to life, but a new peril threatens the Kingdom of Fantasy. Three young knights, Zordan, Alena and Alcuin, that are training at the Academy of the Rose, are called to a mission to prevent the Kingdom of Fantasy from falling again into the evil clutches of powerful magicians, sorceresses, giants…
A thrilling fantasy saga with a magical atmosphere, brave heroes to identify with and lots of breathtaking adventures.
The previous series “Chronicles from the Kingdom of Fantasy” sold more than 330.000 copies in Italy
Rights sold in Spanish, Catalan and Dutch
2 Bind Ups Available
Knights from Kingdom of Fantasy